Futon & Sofa Beds

Futon Beds
Futon beds can double as a couch or a bed. Futon technology has come a long way; they quickly convert from a couch to a bed. These types of beds are very convenient in a child's room under a loft bed (for sleepovers) or in the den for guests. Here at Pyramid Sleep Shop, we carry a wide variety of futon frames and futon covers and have several on display here at the store. Prices start at $129.99 for the mattress, and the frames start at $249.99. We also have delivery and/or set up available. If you choose to assemble it yourself, it can be done in less than an hour. Visit the shop to see how convenient and stylish futons can be.

The Sofa Better is a futon but has the look of a traditionSofa Betteral couch The Sofa-Better drops down just like a futon, leaving those soft, fluffy couch cushions up. "Not just a sofa- bed. It's a Sofa-Better!" A traditional sofa bed has a large space between the cushions and the floor where the mattress folds into, whereas a Sofa-Better doesn't use that space, which means that you can! There is enough space below the Sofa Better for storage baskets and boxes. Also, the Sofa Better eliminates the need for that uncomfortable metal bar on traditional sofa beds.Come try one out for yourself at our store! You're sure to be amazed!

  Studio Chairs

While we're on the subject of convertible beds, now would be a good time to let you know that we also carry what's called a studio chair. It is a light convertible seat that comes in several colors and unfolds to a comfortable lounge/bed that's excellent for playing video games or just kicking back and watching a movie. We have a few at our location for you to check out, so please do!